Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm not sure if there is a way that we can encourage, teach and reward creativity and imagination in our schools today. I feel like that is something that comes to you naturally and you can't really teach something like that. But I do think that creativity in the 21st Century is a great skill. It sets you apart from other teachers in multiple ways like how you teach the students and how the students get information from the lesson. With creativity used by teachers, students can sometimes understand the lessons better.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I think that it is so hard for both teachers and students to reflect because reflecting can criticize their work that they had done and it can show them what they did wrong. I think that some people consider reflection to be the teaching process because it can show teachers what they did right or wrong in the lesson. Also, they reflect on if the students actually learned the lesson. I think you reflect most effectively before and after a lesson. When you reflect before the lesson, you know what you are going to do and say. After the lesson, you can reflect on how the lesson went and what the students learned.